
Coaching guide, rules, and other materials for coaches.
Coaching Guides
Warm-Up and Cool-Down Guides and Videos
Warm-Up and Cool-Down Videos
Dynamic Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs are an important part of every workout, training session, or competition. Follow along with these videos to learn how to perform the different exercises in the sport-specific warm-up and cool-down guides. Questions? Please email fitness@specialolympics.org
Judo Games
Worm Tag
Sample Warm-Up Game Idea: Worm Tag - Crawling on the ground each player has to either avoid or catch the other players. When caught, the player makes a bridge and to get free, one of the other players must crawl under your bridge.
Judo Games Manual: Warm up games are an essential part of any class plan - be creative & have fun. Tag games are ideal for warm ups, coordination, balance, agility and are great fun.
We would like to sincerely thank the students and coaches of JC Uster and JC Rheintal, Switzerland for their time and effort making the videos for you to enjoy.
Judo Games Manual: Warm up games are an essential part of any class plan - be creative & have fun. Tag games are ideal for warm ups, coordination, balance, agility and are great fun.
We would like to sincerely thank the students and coaches of JC Uster and JC Rheintal, Switzerland for their time and effort making the videos for you to enjoy.

On Now

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Sports Essentials
The fundamental difference between Special Olympics competitions and those of other sports organizations is that athletes of all ability levels are encouraged to participate, and every athlete is recognized for his/her performance.
Overview of the Coach Development Model
This video is an overview in English of the coach development model. It is about 4 minutes long. DOWNLOAD MP4 -
Coach Development Model
Our volunteer coaches help Special Olympics athletes reach their best level of skill and performance. These resources can be used by Program sport directors to recruit and train coaches to reach their own heights of achievement.
Sport Rules
Sport Rules
The heart of Special Olympics is competitions, the races, matches, tournaments and games for people with intellectual disabilities. In many ways, these competitions are like sports run by any other organization, but there are some key differences. -
Sport Rules Article 1
The Official Special Olympics Sport Rules (“Sport Rules”) provide standards for Special Olympics training and competition. Sport Rules Article I provides general principles established by the Special Olympics Official General Rules (“General Rules”) that are not found in the sport-specific rules.

This page draws together judo-related information for all of Special Olympics. The coaching materials and other links will help you get a good sense of how this sport contributes to Special Olympics.