E4.7 Tools & practices
Program Quality Standards Menu
Program Quality Standards
The Program Quality Standards (PQS) are a tool to help Programs develop and increase quality of programmatic areas and overall operations. They help Programs identify what to focus on in order to provide athletes with the highest quality programming. Frequently Asked Questions
Program Quality Standards: Frequently Asked Questions
The Program Quality Standards (PQS) are a tool to help Programs develop and increase quality of programmatic areas and overall operations. They help Programs identify what to focus on in order to keep moving forward.
Financial Accounts
Stage 1
Program has assigned responsibility for centralized management and banking of funds in Program name. Annual financial statements are maintained (preferably audited).
Stage 2
Monthly and annual cashflow projections are maintained and updated regularly. Financial policies and procedures are reviewed and updated annually.
Stage 3
Program manages financial accounts on a monthly basis (revenue and expenditures).
Stage 1
Program develops and implements an annual operational plan with goals, actions, metrics, timelines, aligned with SOI strategic plan.
Stage 2
Program develops and implements a multi-year (i.e. strategic) plan with goals, actions, metrics, timelines, aligned with SOI strategic plan.
Stage 3
Program conducts ongoing review of its annual plan and a year-end review of its strategic plan and adjusts it according to lessons learned.
Stage 1
Program operates within Board approved budget that is aligned with annual plan objectives.
Stage 2
Program has 3-month operating financial reserves and implements a plan for long-term financial sustainability.
Stage 3
Program has 6 months operating financial reserves.
Risk Management
Stage 1
Program conducts a basic risk assessment and implements a plan to address risks, including venue checks in advance of events. Program provides basic risk management training to staff and key volunteers.
Stage 2
Program conducts a formal risk assessment, including issues such as safeguarding and medical management at events. Program has a written risk/crisis management plan. Program secures necessary basic insurance coverage.
Stage 3
Program develops and implements risk management policies and procedures. Program partners with law enforcement, fire, and security services to support risk management at events. Risk Management training (e.g. event rehearsal, tabletop exercise) is conducted with all venue staff and event leads.