E3.1 Brand reach
Program Quality Standards Menu
Program Quality Standards
The Program Quality Standards (PQS) are a tool to help Programs develop and increase quality of programmatic areas and overall operations. They help Programs identify what to focus on in order to provide athletes with the highest quality programming. Frequently Asked Questions
Program Quality Standards: Frequently Asked Questions
The Program Quality Standards (PQS) are a tool to help Programs develop and increase quality of programmatic areas and overall operations. They help Programs identify what to focus on in order to keep moving forward.
Social Media Presence
Stage 1
Program has a strong managed social media presence through at least one platform, where stories and sporting events highlighting athletes are consistently shared.
Stage 2
Program online platforms (social media or website) are professionally designed and managed. Program strategically integrates social media to support marketing activities.
Stage 3
Program social media platforms and website have interactive features designed to attract and engage the public (e.g. online giving). Program uses social media analytics to guide marketing.
Media Coverage
Stage 1
Program secures media coverage for at least 1 major annual event, competition, or campaign.
Stage 2
Program secures media coverage for one major event, competition or campaign each quarter.
Stage 3
Program actively seeks and secures year-round media coverage.
Stage 1
Program has relationships with PR, marketing, communications and/or media professionals for guidance and support.
Stage 2
Program has a value in-kind arrangement at least one PR, marketing agency and/or media outlets.
Stage 3
Program has a formal sponsorship/partnership arrangement with at least one PR, marketing agency and/or media outlet.
Stage 1
Program implements SOI brand guidelines for basic digital and traditional materials (e.g. digital logos, banners, t-shirts).
Stage 2
Program conducts market analysis and implements digital and traditional brand guidelines on all tools and materials at Program and sub-Program levels (e.g. website, uniforms).
Stage 3
Program consistently implements virtual and traditional brand guidelines on all materials at all levels and promotes the brand externally.