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Wang Yuan

Athlete Leader, Special Olympics China

Wang Yuan is an athlete leader from Special Olympics China. She trains regularly in table tennis but basketball is also a sport she enjoys playing.

Yuan serves as an athlete member at the Special Olympics Unified Workshop at Shangai Foreign Language School afilliated to Shangai International Studies University. She is co-leading “Footprints For Inclusion”, a Special Olympics Youth Innovation project, with a Youth Leader without an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) at the Shangai University of International Business and Economics.

Yuan is the owner of the "Xiao Yuan Coffee", a public welfare brand, which involves donating to charitable organizations and participating in environmental activities. Xiao Yuan Coffee engages in offline charity sales and volunteer interactions, and Yuan herself delivers engaging lectures on hand-brewed coffee, sharing stories about Yuan and Special Olympics.

Additionally, Yuan takes part in public welfare and charity performances, assuming leadership roles to raise awareness and gather public support for Special Olympics athletes.

Athlete Leaders by Region