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Outreach and Messaging

Three middle school children with green "RESPECT" t-shirts standing next to an adult woman.
The following resources can be used to provide introductory information and messaging about Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools, as well as evidence-based research of the impact of UCS programming.

Overview of Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools® (PDF)

This document is best used for quick overview of UCS with high level reach information.

2024 Reach Report (PDF)

Check out the latest SOUCS high level numbers and statistics!

2024 Impact Overview (PDF)

This attention grabbing resource contains important and impactful statistic about UCS programming.

Characteristics of Socially Inclusive Schools (PDF)

View the seven key elements (or characteristics) of socially inclusive learning environments as identified by SOUCS.
Research and Development

The Case Statement for SOUCS Booklet (PDF)

An in-depth look at UCS that discusses the problems in schools today that UCS programming addresses with solutions.

Education Leaders Network (ELN) Toolkit

A starter toolkit for Programs looking to design and implement an Education Leaders Network.
Language and Branding
Marketing and Communications

Unified Champion Schools Language & Branding Guidelines

The language guidelines will help Programs learn the terminology for Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools. The branding guidelines explain how the Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools identity should be implemented.