Utilize additional research-related resources that may be helpful for your Program.
- Participatory Action Research Overview (PDF): Discover more about Participatory Action Research, which is when people who would typically be seen as the subjects of research become full or partial participants in the research process.
- Share Your Findings with the Special Olympics Movement (web page): Share information with the movement about what you have learned in your Program through research and/or evaluation in order to help others benefit.
Share evidence of Special Olympics’ impact through these summaries of Special Olympics research that include ready-to-share printouts designed for Programs.
- What is Research and Evaluation? (PDF): The collection of information or data lies at the core of both research and evaluation but differ in their goals and cover a wide range of activities.
- Why Do Research and Evaluation in Your Program? (PDF): Special Olympics Programs conduct research and evaluation in order to improve, to prove and to advocate.
- Getting Started Doing Research and Evaluation (PDF): While many hope to implement research and evaluation plans, sometimes it's hard to know where to start so this resource focuses on some steps and resources to aid interested Programs.
- Including People with Intellectual Disabilities in Research and Evaluation (PDF): By including people with ID in the research process, they are transformed from being the subject of study to being active and involved partners in the process. Learn ways to engage people with ID in program research.