Play Unified Campaign Info Center

Play Unified Visual Guidelines
Learn how to create website areas, T-shirts, posters, banners and more for the campaign.
Play Unified Video and Photo Guidelines
Includes information on shooting, composing and filtering photos and videos for the campaign.
Images of Play Unified Branded Sports Balls
Use these images in ads and other illustrations to promote the Play Unified campaign.
Campaign Overview
Special Olympics has launched a fully integrated, multi-faceted marketing campaign targeting youth throughout the world. The campaign will raise the profile of the Special Olympics brand among current and new advocates and supporters. It will encourage young people everywhere to view Special Olympics as the movement to join to make a difference and to help create more unified and just communities around the world.
The images linked below are examples of advertisements and promotions that have run in other websites. Right-click to download files you would like to use.
PLEASE NOTE: All files are low resolution. These files must be in hi-resolution for final production, programs must email to get the hi-resolutions files.
PLEASE NOTE: All files are low resolution. These files must be in hi-resolution for final production, programs must email to get the hi-resolutions files.
Public Relations & Communications
Talking points include advice and sample wording for public communications about the campaign. You can use the press release template to promote the campaign in local media.
Marketing and Brand Assets and Guidelines
Download guidelines for the Play Unified campaign to see how to create visual assets for ads, websites, social media, T-shirts, posters and banners.
Unified Sports® Visual Guidelines
Download guidelines for Unified Sports to see how to create logos, printed materials, banners, T-shirts and other assets that have a distinct visual identity.
Digital Marketing Resources
Download all of the social posts for the Play Unified campaign for use on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. There are 40 icons in PNG form in all in the ZIP file.
Video for Marketing
The promotional video featured on the website is available on YouTube, and can be embedded on your website or shared through social media. A file in .MOV and MP4 format is also available for Programs to download. Right click on the MOV link and choose Download to copy the file.
Content Creation Guidelines for Campaign
The photo and video guidelines below include specific information on shooting, composing and filtering photos and videos for the campaign. Also included are example photos and tips for placement of the campaign's signature red ball.
Special Olympics Unified Ball
You can use images of the Special Olympics Unified Ball online and in print. Download artwork of balls from several sports below.
Activation Tools
Want to know how to activate the campaign? Use these tools to learn how to use the Unified Emoji or take Unified Selfies.
Unified Sports® Events and Stories
A key part of the campaign is getting people involved with Unified Sports at the local level and sharing great stories about the fun and power of our unified activities. Use the Share Event link to promote your events, and click Share Story to tell a good story of unified moments.