Athlete Leadership: Mentor Course
To be a good mentor to an athlete leader, you must understand what Athlete Leadership is and build skills to be successful in the role. You will also learn how to establish inclusive behaviors and set the athlete leader up for success.
Course PowerPoint (PPTX)
Use this PowerPoint presentation to help guide you and your participants through the course.
Participant Guide - Letter (PDF)
Participants will use this participant guide/handbook to follow along with the PowerPoint and write down their answers to discussion questions posed during the session. The document is set up in letter-style formatting.
Participant Guide - A4 (PDF)
Participants will use this participant guide/handbook to follow along with the PowerPoint and write down their answers to discussion questions posed during the session. The document is set up in A4-style formatting.
Facilitators Guide - Letter (PDF)
Facilitators of the course will use this to guide them through what to say and do during the course. The document is set up in letter-style formatting.
Facilitators Guide - A4 (PDF)
Facilitators of the course will use this to guide them through what to say and do during the course. The document is set up in A4-style formatting.
Lesson 3 - Mentor Skills and Strategies Practice Activity (PDF)
This activity is for the facilitators to use during Lesson 3 of the training. It includes a series of possible role-playing exercises to get the participants thinking about how they would respond in certain situations.
Advice and Tips on Being a Good Mentor
Advice and tips to be a good mentor
This video is embedded in the in the PowerPoint, but in case the native file is needed, you can download here. This video includes clips from various athlete leaders and mentors around the world giving their advice on being the best mentor possible.
Download the Video and Captions
Athlete Leadership: Mentor Training (eLearning)
This document describes the eLearning course on mentoring athlete leaders and explains how to find it. SOI recommends that mentors take the eLearning course first followed by the Program-led one. They are similar, but include different videos/quotes and different prompting questions.
This course takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this training, you will:
This course takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this training, you will:
- Describe the role of the mentor as it relates to Athlete Leadership within Special Olympics
- Learn and use specific skills and strategies to help Special Olympics athletes become leaders
- Practice a Unified Leadership approach to mentoring