Leading Discussions

As a leader you may be tasked with leading a discussion around an important topic, learn the tips to leading an engaging and productive discussion!
Overview (DOCX)
This overview includes a list of objectives, lessons and all available resources.
Overview - A4 (DOCX)
This overview includes a list of objectives, lessons and all available resources.
Visual Guide (PPTX)
Slides are to be used as a visual during the discussion.
Visual Guide - Panoramic (PPTX)
Slides are to be used as a visual during the discussion.
Independent Activities
These workbooks were created for athletes looking for leadership activities to do on their own. Whether you are brand new to Athlete Leadership or you have taken similar courses before, these workbooks will walk you through a wide range of activities and reflection questions.
Workbook (DOCX)
Preparing for a discussion or a meeting is an important part of being a good leader. Learn how to plan for and lead a discussion with other people.
Workbook - A4 (DOCX)
Preparing for a discussion or a meeting is an important part of being a good leader. Learn how to plan for and lead a discussion with other people.