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Games and Competitions

GMS Learning Center



GMS Importing Information - New 2024 Athlete Forms (US)

Please find below instructions for importing the three new 2024 Athlete forms into GMS, along with the corresponding templates in GMS format. We kindly request that you review these instructions carefully before opening or saving the new templates.  Should you have any questions regarding the importing process, please reach out to the GMS Helpdesk at For inquiries related to implementing these new forms within your Special Olympics Program, please contact your Regional office.



      • Flyer: In-Person GMS Training (PDF): Download this fact sheet For more information on in-person GMS User Trainings. Use this as a guide to help you plan for user trainings for your Program staff and volunteers.
      • Flyer: GMS Training Webiners (PDF): Download this fact sheet For more information on webinar and shared-screen GMS User Trainings. Use this as a guide to help you plan for user trainings for your Program staff and volunteers.




      • Intro to GMS 7: If you are new to GMS 7, this 60-minute video introduces you to some of the new features and functions.
      • GMS 6 General Overview: If you are new to GMS 6, this 90-minute video gives you a comprehensive introduction to its features and operation.
      • Webinar: Reporting in GMS: GMS 6 has a lot of built-in tools for reporting the data that is stored within the database. In the May 6, 2015 GMS Webinar linked below, we cover many different kinds of reports that Programs might user for competition management as well as day to day program management. We will also review the report designer which allows users to create their own report templates. The webinar is 90 minutes long.
      • GMS: Bracketing: This webinar provides a primer for users new to the bracketing feature in GMS. Here we review how to bracket and print bracket reports and match lists, as well as review bracket definitions.
      • GMS: Bulk Value Updater: This webinar provides a general overview on the Bulk Value Updater tool found in GMS. There are many use cases for this tool, some of which we review here.
      • GMS: Census Exporter & Certification: This webinar reviews the built-in Census Exporter that Programs can use to complete their Census, as well as throughout the year to provide them participation data from their GMS database. We review the tool and the Census certification, which helps GMS tally the numbers accurately.