Family Health Forums
Family Health Forums (FHF) provide a space for parents, caregivers, and siblings of people with intellectual disabilities to engage with health professionals, community leaders and social service providers. The Forums introduce new families to Special Olympics and services provided through Healthy Athletes®, Young Athletes and other community-based programs for people with intellectual disabilities, while also surfacing challenges that athletes face and how best to overcome them—with a special focus on bettering access to health care, education and inclusive activities.
FHFs are designed by the community to meet their local needs, and topics discussed over the years include diabetes prevention, fitness, oral health, HIV/AIDS prevention, navigating the health system, and access to health. Since 2013, over 45,000 individuals around the world have participated in Special Olympics Family Health Forum's funded by Lions Clubs International Foundation.
FHFs are designed by the community to meet their local needs, and topics discussed over the years include diabetes prevention, fitness, oral health, HIV/AIDS prevention, navigating the health system, and access to health. Since 2013, over 45,000 individuals around the world have participated in Special Olympics Family Health Forum's funded by Lions Clubs International Foundation.
Explore Program and Family Experiences in the Family Health Forum Videos
Learn the numerous benefits that come with hosting Family Health Forums. This video provides an overview of how Programs impact families through Family Health Forums. Download this video to show during your Forum or leverage for event promotion.
Download the Video • Download the SRT Text File
Download the Video • Download the SRT Text File

On Now

On Now
In-Person FHF Toolkit (PDF)
Guidance for planning, implementing, and evaluating an in-person FHF.
Virtual FHF Toolkit (PDF)
Guidance for planning, implementing, and evaluating a virtual FHF.
Sample FHF Budget (XLSX)
Sample item for your Forum budget, provided for planning purposes only.
Banners and Logos
Banners with the Lions Club International Foundation logo must be displayed at every FHF. Photos of the banner and Lions club members must be taken and submitted in the FHF Program Evaluation.
Evaluation Materials
FHF Program Evaluation via Qualtrics
Programs are required to submit an FHF Program Evaluation via Qualtrics. The evaluation must be completed within 30 days after each Forum. Please click the link to complete the evaluation.
FHF Participant Exit Survey (DOCX)
For Program purposes, we highly recommended conducting Forum exit surveys. This document offers an overview of potential survey questions.
Structured Curriculum Materials
SOI provides structured curricula for 1-hour presentations to support FHF planning and implementation. Materials are currently available, in English, for the following topics: Healthy Eating for Families, Managing Parent and Caregiver Stress, Family Fitness, and Diabetes Prevention and Management. New topics will be added periodically.
To use during your FHF, contact your Regional Health Manager to request the updated versions of all Structured Curriculum Materials.
Additional Curriculum Materials and Resources
Positive Parenting during COVID-19
Positive Parenting During the COVID-19 Pandemic (PDF)
This resource serves as a facilitator’s guide for a session on positive parenting during COVID-19. The document includes talking points, discussion questions, and video and educational resources to consider using during your session. Download DOCX
Self Advocacy
How to Advocate For Your Family’s Health Presentation (PPTX)
This resource is a sample powerpoint for presenters to use during their session. It has all talking points included in the notes section, but is also designed to be customized, where needed, by local communities and presenters.
Getting Ready for Your COVID-19 Health Care Visit (PDF)
This is a handout to share with participants.
How to Advocate for Your Family’s Health 1-pager (DOCX)
This is a handout for an interactive portion of the session.