Understanding Emotions

Athlete leaders will explore the importance of recognizing and managing emotions to build and maintain good relationships.
Overview (DOCX)
This overview includes a list of objectives, lessons and all available resources.
Overview - A4 (DOCX)
This overview includes a list of objectives, lessons and all available resources.
Visual Guide (PPTX)
Slides are to be used as a visual during the discussion.
Visual Guide (PDF)
Slides are to be used as a visual during the discussion.
Visual Guide - Panoramic (PPTX)
Slides are to be used as a visual during the discussion.
Facilitator Guide (DOCX)
This facilitator guide provides an outline on how to host and lead the Understanding Emotion training course using the PowerPoint presentation and the participant workbook.
Facilitator Guide - A4 (DOCX)
This facilitator guide provides an outline on how to host and lead the Understanding Emotion training course using the PowerPoint presentation and the participant workbook.
Independent Activities
These workbooks were created for athletes looking for leadership activities to do on their own. Whether you are brand new to Athlete Leadership or you have taken similar courses before, these workbooks will walk you through a wide range of activities and reflection questions.
Workbook (DOCX)
Knowing your emotions takes time and practice. Explore the first steps to becoming aware of your emotions, how to control them, and how to react when others show their emotions.
Workbook - A4 (DOCX)
Knowing your emotions takes time and practice. Explore the first steps to becoming aware of your emotions, how to control them, and how to react when others show their emotions.